Privacy Hedge UK

Best privacy plants (hedges) for UK

By Parvez Akhtar Pasha | Mar 04, 2025

Best privacy hedge plants for UK

I don't have any issue with my neighbours, but sometimes I feel that part of my property should be protected with privacy screens. An artificial wall or fence is not what I am talking about. In this article, you will find the best plants you can grow as privacy screens in the UK.

Note: Plants and trees for the UK can vary based on regional climate, soil type, and specific needs. Don't worry! I will tell you what grows best in each area.

I will divide the list into three major categories that will help you to choose what to plant.

  1. Scotland & Northern England - Hardy, wind-resistant, and cold-tolerant hedges.
  2. Southern England - You can pick a few evergreen plants.
  3. Coastal Areas - Here you need to go for salt-tolerant plants and trees.

Scotland & Northern England Privacy Plants and Trees - UK

You can grow the following plants and trees in the UK's northern part and Scotland.

Plant Name Max Height Growth Speed Flowering / Non-Flowering Preferred Soil Type
Yew (Taxus baccata) 10-20m Slow Non-Flowering Well-drained, Chalky, Clay
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) 20-30m Medium Non-Flowering Well-drained, Loamy
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) 15-25m Medium Non-Flowering Clay, Loamy
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) 10-15m Slow Flowering Well-drained, Loamy
Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) 15-20m Fast Non-Flowering Moist, Loamy
Alder (Alnus glutinosa) 20-25m Fast Flowering Wet, Clay, Loamy
Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) 3-5m Fast Flowering Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy


Yew privacy hedge

Yew will be my first choice. It is extremely hardy and performs very well in cold climates.

You can give it a formal hedge shape by regular pruning. This hedge plant grows slowly, thus it will take some time to grow as a real privacy screen.

I know it grows slowly, but you will be amazed seeing how dense this hedge can be. This will be a perfect hedge plant in the North UK and Scotland.

Note: This is toxic to pets and livestock. I will never recommend you to grow it near grazing areas.


Beech hedge
Beech hedge

Beech will give you privacy year-round. In winter, you will notice brown leaves.

Never plant this in waterlogged areas. They don't like sitting water in the soil.

Note: Trim in Late summer to make it a compact hedge.

Beech can tolerate heavy winds. This is why I prefer it to grow in exposed locations.



Hornbeam likes wet and clay-heavy soil. This can be a life-saver privacy screen for your property if the soil is a heavy clay type.

In winter, you can expect the same dense foliage (yeah, the color will be brown in winter).

Withstands frost, wind, and shade at the same time. This is why this can be the best choice for Scotland.

Hornbeam growth rate is more than beech's. If you want to get a privacy screen faster, go for hornbeam.



This is also evergreen and will act as privacy hedge year-round.

Want to stop intruders? choose this one as it has spiky leaves.

Tip: Try to grow both male and female nearby if you want berries. Berries will attract birds.

Not going to explain each plant one by one. You can use the table data to get an idea.

Privacy Plants for Southern England

Plant Name Max Height Growth Speed Flowering / Non-Flowering Sunlight Requirement Preferred Soil Type
Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) 5-8m Fast Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Loamy
Portuguese Laurel (Prunus lusitanica) 5-7m Medium Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy
Griselinia (Griselinia littoralis) 4-6m Fast Non-Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Sandy, Loamy
Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) 4-7m Slow Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy
Photinia 'Red Robin' (Photinia x fraseri) 3-5m Medium Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Loamy
Oleaster (Elaeagnus x ebbingei) 4-5m Fast Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy
Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) 3-5m Fast Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy
Pittosporum (Pittosporum tenuifolium) 3-6m Medium Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Chalky, Sandy

Oleaster, Griselinia will work as a privacy hedge on coastal areas.

Bay Laurel, Cherry Laurel, Oleaster will perform as evergreen and year-round privacy.

Cherry Laurel, Griselinia, Oleaster, Privet will act as fast growing privacy hedge in Southern England.

Best privacy hedges for Coastal Areas in UK

Plant Name Max Height Growth Speed Flowering / Non-Flowering Sunlight Requirement Preferred Soil Type
Griselinia (Griselinia littoralis) 4-6m Fast Non-Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Sandy, Loamy
Oleaster (Elaeagnus x ebbingei) 4-5m Fast Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy, Sandy
Escallonia (Escallonia spp.) 3-4m Fast Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Sandy
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) 2-4m Medium Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Sandy
Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) 4-7m Slow Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy
Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) 3-5m Fast Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy
Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) 10-15m Fast Non-Flowering Full Sun Well-drained, Sandy
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) 4-6m Medium Flowering Full Sun to Partial Shade Well-drained, Chalky, Loamy

Escallonia will become an eye-catcher.

Parvez Akhtar Pasha

Parvez Akhtar Pasha

Hi, I am Parvez Akhtar Pasha. I was in school when I first saw a plant grow from a seed. Over the years, I have gained a lot of experience in gardening, and I will gradually share it with you here.

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